Updates and plans for live navigation in FacilMap
FacilMap has only very limited live navigation functionality so far, I'm hoping to improve this in the future.
What I've changed today is that while you show your position on the map (by clicking the crosshair icon), the screen of your device stays on. What I have recently changed is that on smartphones, the map now uses the device’s GPS sensor rather than Google’s location approximation to show the current position. Also, while the position is enabled, when adding/moving a marker there is an additional “Add at/move to current location” option.
In the near future, I'm planning to add a way to calculate the route from the current location, and to have live navigation that recalculates the route if you divert from it and that shows you the distance to the destination and maybe the upcoming turns. Also, it would be nice to have an indicator of the current speed and altitude.
At some point I would also like to implement trip recording, of course with some kind of live collaboration so you can see where other users of your map are currently moving.
Feel free to make some more suggestions of what you would like to see in FacilMap!